Foster Program Foster Application Step 1 of 4 25% Contact InformationName(Required) First Last Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone(Required)Email(Required) Additional InformationIf applicable, which dog are you interested in?Do you live in a House Apartment Condo Other Approximately how large is your home? (sq/ft)Do you Own Rent If applicable, what is your Landlord's name?If applicable, what is your Landlord's phone number?How long have you lived in your current residence?How many adults live in your home?Please list the ages of the adultsHow many children live in your home?Please list the ages of the childrenHow many hours a day will the dog be alone?Where will the dog be kept when no one is home?Where will the dog be kept at night?Are you familiar with the use of a crate to train/confine your Doberman when you're not home? Yes No Do you have a fenced yard? Yes No If yes, how tall and what kind of fence?Do you have other pets? If so, please list species and ageIf so, are the other pets up to date on their vaccinations? Veterinarian InformationDo you have a primary veterinarian? Yes No Vet's Name First Last Vet's PhoneWhat name is the vet records under? Please make sure to contact your vet to release information to us.Are you able to give medications and/or treat wounds as needed, or as directed by our veterinarian/board of directors? Yes No Please provide information about all of your pets for the last 7 yearsPet #1SpeciesBreedAgeSexYears OwnedWhere are they now? Add RemoveAre any of your current dogs aggressive in any way? Yes No If yes, please elaboratePlease read and check to agree You agree to the following statement: Even though Volunteer State Doberman Rescue (VSDR) makes every reasonable effort to ensure that their rescue dogs are safe and friendly, I understand that fostering is a risky venture, and that VSDR cannot possibly guarantee that I will never be faced with an aggressive or ill dog. However, I understand that it is my responsibility to notify a VSDR board member immediately in such a case, so that they may step in and remove the dog from my care. Furthermore, I understand that I must be absolutely honest with the VSDR board concerning the individuals and other animals in my home to ensure that they are able to match a potential foster dog to my needs, and that I will be asked to sign a foster liability release and agreement before a dog is physically placed in my home. Please attach a video of your homeMax. file size: 100 MB.Please start your video in the front of your home (showing your address if possible), move through the common areas of your home (living areas, kitchen, etc.). Finish with a shot of your yard and fencing, if applicable. Please keep your video to a minute or two so that it will meet the 100MB limit. We will begin checking your veterinary and/or personal references soon!